Community Life Commission...
The Community Life Commission equips the congregation to care for each other in ways that extend grace, build peace and share love within our faith community at First Mennonite Church.
Jean Shriner
Janell Walther
Verna Weirich
Dave (Patty) Yoder
Elnora Yoder, Chair
Shena Yoder
Some of what we tend...
Jean Shriner
Janell Walther
Verna Weirich
Dave (Patty) Yoder
Elnora Yoder, Chair
Shena Yoder
Some of what we tend...
- Pastoral Care: routine, crisis, home-bound, counseling,
- Fellowship Gatherings
- Oversight of Kitchen and All Meals
- Mutual Aid: Everence advocacy, needs of congregants
- Health and Wellness
- Conflict Transformation
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Compassion Fund
- Ladies Night In